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A contemporary Bible based story with a difference.

James and Louise thought they had it all. Great careers, dream house, luxurious car and regular overseas holidays.
In a few seconds all that was gone and so was their last opportunity to choose (although they didn’t know they had to choose, until it was too late).
They thought that if they had lived a good life and hurt no one God would let them into Heaven. After all God, was a God of love who would turn no-one away.
But they were wrong. Because as well as being a loving God, he is a holy, just God. Impure (unforgiven, sinful) people cannot enter or exist in his presence, and to make matters worse once they had died God was unable to make them pure. That was their choice to make before they died. If only they had chosen to accept his free pardon sooner, they could have become the adopted children of God in the present and the future. For James and Louise their story has a tragic ending.
You can read their experience and learn from it, so that you are not deceived and can make the right choice while there is still time.